The first seminar of the scientific and educational group "Bishops, Doji and Merchants: Texts of the Medieval Cities of Italy of the XIII-XV Centuries" in 2019
On April 6, the scientific and educational group organized the first seminar in 2019.

Spring School "Latin Paleography" (2019)
Scientific and educational group "Bishops, Doji and Merchants: Texts of the Medieval Cities of Italy of the XIII-XV Centuries" orginized a spring school "Latin Paleography" (2019).

The project of the scientific and educational group 'Bishops, Doges and Merchants: Texts of Medieval Italian Cities of XIII-XV Centuries' was prolonged
The project of the scientific and educational group under the leadership of Evgeny Khvalkov was prolonged for 2019 - 2020.
Seminar on November 28, 2018
On November 28, a research seminar of the reseacrh and study group “Bishops, Doji and Merchants: Texts of Italian Medieval Cities of the XIII-XV Centuries” took place.
Lecture by Andrei Alexandru "Byzantine scholars in Italy of the Renaissance period"
On March 14, Andrei Alexandru’s lecture "Byzantine Scholars in Italy of the Renaissance Period" was held in the building at Promyshlennaya Street 17
Presentation of the book by Evgeny Alexandrovich Khvalkov "The Colonies of the Sea in the Black Sea Region: Evolution and Transformation"
On March 1, in terms of the seminar “The Frontiers of History”, the presentation of the book by Evgeny Aleksandrovich Khvalkov, Associate Professor of the Department of History, “The Colonies of the Black Sea Region: Evolution and Transformation”
Seminar on Latin Paleography
The first seminar on Latin paleography on the basis of SSG took place on February 23, 2018.
Members of the Scientific and Study group took part in the "Winter School" of Higher School of Eeconomics - St. Petersburg
The participants of the SSG took part in the "Winter School", which became a place for the presentation of master programs of the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, open lectures and seminars.
First meeting of Scientific and Study Group
On Thursday, February 15, the first meeting of the SSG took place at the Department of History of the Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg.