Frederik Paulsen Programme for support of early- and mid-career Russian historians

The Frederick Paulsen Foundation program is designed to support scholars who study the history of Russia in the imperial period (mid-17th century - 1918). Young Russian historians demonstrate outstanding success in research, but regularly face the problem of financing foreign trips to work in foreign archives and libraries, as well as participating in scientific discussions in international forums. At the same time, foreign historians often do not have access to the work of their colleagues in Russia. The Paulsen Foundation program will allow Russian researchers to more fully realize their research potential and make a significant contribution to the global research process. At the same time, in addition to direct financial support from Russian scientists, two major international seminars are scheduled at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg in 2021 and 2022, as well as an international conference in Latvia in 2023. Following these events, in which Leading world experts in the field of the history of imperial Russia will take part, a series of publications is planned, reflecting the current state of research in this field at the highest academic level.
Understanding Russia and its role in global society cannot be confined to contemporary perspectives. By opening up access to exceptional research on the history of imperial Russia, and through knowledge exchange between Russian and non-Russian experts, the Paulsen Programme creates important new opportunities to advance research, develop meaningful analysis and promote engagement.
Professor Julia Black, Pro Director for Research at LSE
Questions of Russian identity, as well as contemporary Russian perceptions and anxieties can never be understood without some grasp of the underlying forces that have driven Russian history in the last half-millennium.
Professor Dominic Lieven, Chairman of the Paulsen Programs Board
Learn more about the Paulsen Foundation programs at the London School of Economics and Political Science website
Curators of the joint program of seminars
Director of the Centre for Historical Research, Professor
Professor, University of Cambridge
Project News
June 22-27, 2022: International workshop "Russia in the World in the Imperial Era (1650-1917)"
The workshop will be supported by the Frederick Paulsen Foundation. Within the framework of the conference program, the London School of Economics and the Center for Historical Research of the HSE University in St. Petersburg will be able to bring together early- and mid-career scholars of Imperial Russia.
Relaunch of the Frederik Paulsen Foundation Programme
Frederik Paulsen Founation Programme at the London School of Economics and Political Science, realised in collaboration with the Center for Historical Research (HSE St. Petersburg), has been set up to support early- and mid-career historians in Russia. We invite participants to the presentation of the Programme which will take place online (Zoom) on February 17, 13:00 (UTC+3).
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