On Campus

Meet and Greet: Darius Ruda
Last semester our BA program welcomed a new member of the academic staff – senior lecturer Darius Ruda. We have recently had a chance to talk to him and learn more about his academic interests and impressions about St. Petersburg

The Show That Cannot Leave Anyone Indifferent
On April 9, 2019, the annual Miss and Mister HSE St. Petersburg competition was held at the “Colosseum” concert hall.
HSE New Year for PoliSci Students: Hogwarts in Reality
At the end of Friday, 28 December, the celebration of the New Year took place on the educational programme “Political Science and World Politics”. How it was remembered by students and why it was worth going there?

“Students about Students”: Anastasia Zubkova about Volunteering
The life of political science students is not only about lectures and seminars. That is why we are very interested to learn more about the interests, creative hobbies and extracurricular activities of students from our educational program. Perhaps, after learning about the experience of others one will find a new hobby.Our new section "Students about students" is opened with an interview from a second-year student of the EP "Political Science and world politics" Anastasia Zubkova.
How to Apply for the Advanced State Academic Scholarship
All the students who have been awarded a state academic scholarship can apply for the Advanced State Academic Scholarship. Find out how.

HSE French Club: a Closed Community or a Place for Everybody?
Interview with Polina Klochko, member of the Club, about its activites and purposes.
The Most Scientific Day of All
The first HSE Research Day was held on the 20th of April, when students from different educational programs presented their research works and exchanged experience.